Please Pray

Welcome to the Marwari the Word of God website.

We are happy that you are always praying for us.

And again we request that you please please always keep us in your prayers.

Prayer Requests:

  1.  Please pray for our translation team.
  2. Please pray for the translation consultant sessions as we strive for our translation to have both accuracy in the word and meaning that is understood by our community.
  3. Please pray for our Scripture Engagement worker as he travels from village to village sharing God's word through stories, songs and media.
  4. Please pray for all those who are using the translated Scriptures and for those who will use it in the future.
  5. Please pray that we will have health and strength for the work we are doing and we will see God's blessing in every part of the Marwari project ministry.

Thank you for your love and prayers,

In Him.

Your encouragement is valuable to us

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